Helping prevent cyber attacks through world-class expertise.

We translate your key security concerns into tailored cyber security simulations purpose built around your key risk areas. Our innovative and collaborative approach to cyber security assessments and red-teaming has allowed us to secure companies across the globe.

Maximising your security budgets

We provide our clients with complimentary services like penetration tests and phishing simulations - we do not expect you to pay for basic security tests. Instead we focus on simulating realistic attacks that generate true value for you.

  • £ 10500 average value of complimentary services

  • 53 % average reduction in fees

What we do

Preventing cyber attacks through world-class expertise

  1. No overhead.

    You tell us your key security concerns and we take it from there.

  2. Modernised approach.

    We build security assessments enriched with threat intelligence to focus on threat actors most likely to target you. By matching the adversarial skill level of threat actors most prevalent in your sector we create realistic attacks tailored to your profile.

  3. Integrated value add.

    We recognise there is no silver bullet to solve all your security challenges and a generic approach is ineffective. Our approach extracts issues unique to your technologies, processes and culture, and is designed to maximise impact through unlocking additional value that would not ordinarily be assessed in traditional red teaming.

Maximise your investment.

Traditional red-team assessments often only reveal the quickest and most feasible attack path to breach an organisation. Whilst an excellent catalyst for driving internal security change, this approach has limited impact on an organisation's security since only a small subset of defences has been assessed. Instead, we comprehensively assess a myriad of different attack paths to quantify the resilience of your cyber security controls against a multitude of different breach scenarios.

Strategy led simulations.

We build a bespoke series of inter-connected red-team simulations based on your industry's most prevalent cyber security threats. By synchronising our simulations with your IT and security road-maps, as well as accounting for your regulatory requirements, we strategically position ourselves to support your operational security challenges.